Ladybug Layouts Weekend Retreat

2011 Retreat Dates

June 3-5 (CANCELLED due to location issues)
October 21-23, December 2-4 (BOTH CANCELLED due to family committments)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weekend Retreat - Nov.5-7, 2010

Ladybug Layouts

When:  Friday, November 5 to Sunday, November 7, 2010
Where:  Sooke, BC (What a GREAT location, approximately 50 km (a 1 hour drive) from downtown Victoria.)

How Much:  $250 for the entire weekend (includes accommodation & all meals/snacks).  $100 deposit DUE by September 1, 2010, $150 balance due by October 15, 2010 (Due to committed expenses, there will be NO REFUNDS, unless we are able to fill your space.)

What to Expect:  You will LOVE this place!!! There is a ton of room and space for you and all your stuff. The lighting is fantastic and so is the big kitchen / living room area where we can work and relax comfortably.

All together we can comfortably accommodate a maximum 14 people, so make sure you’re on the list!!!

This will be another GREAT weekend of FUN!!! With no interruptions!!!! No kids, no husband, no work, no cooking, no cleaning and who knows what will happen…….

We’re still working on details, but some of the usual highlights include:
• Lessons, • Games, • Prizes
and we hope to again offer massages on Saturday, and will confirm this soon.

As always, there will be a store set up so come prepared to try something new or stick to your old favorites. There will also be impromptu demonstrations, samples, guidance, and support throughout the weekend, just flag down Denise and she’ll be happy to help!!!!